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Must-See Details before Undergoing Spider Vein Removal

By Colin Doyle, APRN

What Are Spider Veins? Spider veins are the small red or purple vessels which may develop on the surface of the skin and are commonly found on the face or legs. As you can imagine, the presence of these vessels can be very distressing. You may not realize that they can also be very uncomfortable, causing a burning or itching sensation.

What Causes Spider Veins?

Spider veins may develop from increased pressure or an increased sensitivity to pressure within the vein. The pressure causes vessels to expand like a balloon being blown up with air. There are many different factors which may contribute to increased pressure or sensitivity to pressure in the vein:

Wondering if any of these factors may play a role in the development of your spider veins? Reach out to our specialists for a one-on-one Priority Appointment to evaluate you veins and find an effective solution.

Check back next week for the important spider vein removal, prevention and treatment details you need to look and feel your best!


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