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Healthy Legs At Home TIP: Exercise Daily

By Nadene Weil, Director of Patient & Physician Relations

Vascular Vein Centers is considered an essential medical practice and as such will remain open to service our patients. We want to make sure you maintain your leg health at home.

Healthy Legs at Home TIP: Exercise Daily

Exercise, using the muscles of the legs, helps your veins pump blood. The “calf pump” pushes blood back to the heart, and every step lowers the pressure in the leg. Keep blood moving by doing foot or leg exercises every 30 minutes. Simple exercises such as heel raises, wiggling your toes or going for a walk will help you to keep your legs healthy.

Remember to wear your compression!

Our Safety and Disinfecting Precautions

To keep both you and our staff safe, we implemented extra safety measures.

Concentrating Our Safety Efforts to 5 Convenient Locations

Our Lake Mary and Waterford Lakes medical teams are now seeing patients at some of our other locations that are close by so that we can concentrate safety and sterilization procedures in fewer spaces. We will see you in one of our other 5 convenient offices; College Park, Kissimmee, The Villages, Davenport and Viera.

TELEHEALTH Appointments Available

For specific appointment types, we are now offering TELEHEALTH; appointments accomplished via telephone or video conferencing. Make sure to ask when you call so we can accommodate you.

Visitor Policy

At this time, we are only allowing a patient visitor for physical or emotional needs. In some cases, we may ask the patient or visitor to wait outside during the patient appointment. Visitors are required to answer screening questions upon entry.

Visit our Facebook page and Google listings for updates and Healthy Legs at Home TIPS.

If you have a fever greater than 100.4 or symptoms of a respiratory illness, please call us to reschedule your appointment:

Toll free: (877) 244-8558

Contact Us: https://www.bestveintreatment.com/schedule-appointment/

For most recent updates: Florida Department of Health http://www.floridahealth.gov/diseases-and-conditions/COVID-19/

Florida's COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Dashboard

Florida Department of Health, Division of Disease Control and Health Protection https://fdoh.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/8d0de33f260d444c852a615dc7837c86

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