
Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Specialist

Vascular & Vein Centers located in Orlando - College Park, East Orlando - Waterford Lakes, Kissimmee, Lake Mary, The Villages and Davenport - Haines City

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

About Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition where prompt treatment is critical to prevent potentially life-threatening complications. If you have DVT symptoms, contact the specialists at Vascular Vein Centers right away. With offices in Orlando, Kissimmee, Lake Mary, The Villages, Davenport, Florida, their expert team members can diagnose and treat DVT swiftly and effectively. Call the Vascular Vein Centers office nearest you today for urgent assistance, or book a routine appointment online.

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) Q&A

What is deep vein thrombosis?

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition in which a blood clot forms in one of the large veins in your leg, or sometimes your pelvis or arms. In some cases, multiple clots can form.

DVTs block blood flow in the affected vein, which can make your leg hot and swollen. Your skin could darken and turn red or blue and might look stretched and shiny. 

It’s possible to have DVT and only experience mild symptoms or be unaware there’s a problem. However, DVT can sometimes be excruciatingly painful and even make it hard to walk.

The most worrying aspect of having a DVT is that the blood clot might break away from its original location and move through your bloodstream. If this happens, the clot could end up blocking a vein in your lung, causing a pulmonary embolism.

Because of the risk of clots breaking away and causing potentially life-threatening complications, DVT requires immediate medical attention.

What causes deep vein thrombosis?

DVT develops because of a problem with your circulation or the way your blood clots. Risk factors that can trigger DVT include:

  • Inherited blood-clotting disorders
  • Prolonged bed rest
  • Having surgery
  • Being pregnant
  • Taking oral contraceptive pills
  • Using hormone replacement therapy (HRT)
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Smoking
  • Family history of DVT
  • Being immobile for long periods

You can have one of these risk factors and still not develop a DVT. Having two or more – for instance, being overweight and a smoker, or staying in bed for a week with the flu when you're taking HRT – significantly increases your risk.

How is deep vein thrombosis treated?

The Vascular Vein Centers team acts quickly to confirm a suspected DVT, using advanced GE Healthcare ultrasound technology to locate the clots. Once they confirm you have DVT, you need to begin treatment as soon as possible. 

Delays in treatment could cause permanent damage to your veins and leave you with post-thrombotic syndrome (PTS), as well as there being a risk of the clot breaking away.

Conservative methods of treating DVT involve using anticoagulants (blood-thinning medications) or thrombolytic therapy to break up the clots. The Vascular Vein Centers team also treats DVT using minimally invasive thrombolysis to surgically remove or dissolve the clot.

To perform catheter-directed thrombolysis, your provider inserts a slender tube called a catheter into the vein. They use ultrasound guidance to thread the catheter into your vein and inject a drug directly into the clot to break it up.

If you have symptoms that could be due to DVT, call Vascular Vein Centers immediately, or schedule an urgent consultation using the online booking form.