
PECOS 2.0: CMS Updated Their Website

Sep 11, 2023
PECOS is a national filing system implemented by Medicare and then managed as a database of physicians. All Physicians credentialed as medical providers under Medicare are required to Register with CMS as part of this database.

CMS.gov   PECOS 2.0

What is PECOS?

PECOS stands for Provider, Enrollment, Chain and Ownership System. It's a database for physicians who have registered with CMS. PECOS is a national filing system implemented by Medicare and then managed as a database of physicians. All Physicians credentialed as medical providers under Medicare are required to Register with CMS as part of this database. The PECOS database maintains an accurate listing of those physicians and practitioners who are eligible to order on behalf of or refer Medicare Patients.

How to enroll in PECOS online

Here is a 5-step guide to help you meet the CMS requirement for PECOS enrollment online:

  • Get your National Plan and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) user ID and password: https://nppes.cms.hhs.gov/#/
  • Gather the necessary items for enrollment. (See "Before You Enroll" checklist)
  • Complete and submit the enrollment application at: https://pecos.cms.hhs.gov
  • Print, sign, and date the two-page Certification Statement. (Available at end of enrollment application.)
  • Mail the signed Certification Statement, along with supporting documentation, to your designated Medicare contractor within seven days of the electronic submission.

For more information visit: CMS.gov