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We Are Open & Safe- Covid-19 Symptom Checker

By Nadene Weil, Director of Patient & Physician Relations

What does being sick with COVID-19 look like compared with a cold or the flu? Compare symptoms of the novel coronavirus COVID-19 to Cold/Upper Respiratory Infection, Allergies/Hay Fever and Influenza in this chart.

Information in chart below compiled from Florida Department of Health, CDC and World Health Organization by Spectrum News.

Vascular Vein Centers continues to enhance our facility cleaning measures to ensure we are in compliance with the latest Center for Disease Control (CDC) and Florida Department of Health guidelines as a result of COVID-19.

As a precaution:

You can be assured we are providing a safe environment for all of our patients. All of us play a part in stopping the spread of any virus by following simple personal habits such as washing your hands often or using a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol, avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands and maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet.

If you have a fever or symptoms of a respiratory illness, please reach out to reschedule your appointment:

Toll free: (877) 244-8558

Contact Us: https://www.bestveintreatment.com/schedule-appointment/

We remain vigilant, keeping up with daily local, state and national updates to maintain a safe environment for you and our clinical staff. To continue to monitor the larger community updates, please visit the following:

Vascular Vein Centers is proud to be the premier provider of leg health services in Central Florida for more than 18 years. We are and will remain committed to taking the necessary actions to support our patients and caregivers in this challenging time. 

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