Do you have varicose veins that are becoming painful? Or spider veins that you’re just tired of looking at? If this is the case, it may be time to seek treatment to determine the underlying cause and eliminate the issue.
You have a couple of options, including laser and foam treatment, but in this blog we’re focusing on a popular and proven treatment called sclerotherapy. Once the underlying cause of your vein issues is determined, this simple and safe procedure is used to get rid of the appearance of spider and varicose veins, along with any discomfort that comes with them.
Let’s take a closer look at how it works, and answer a question many patients have about the procedure, which is, “Does it hurt?”
Sclerotherapy is a minimally invasive medical procedure that’s used as a treatment for varicose and spider veins. The procedure is quick, safe, and effective, eliminating the appearance of unwanted veins in a matter of minutes. It also works wonders for relieving any pain, itching, or other discomfort associated with damaged veins.
When you come into Vascular Vein Centers and meet with one of our vein specialists you immediately enter our Cycle of Care to ensure you receive the highest quality treatment. Your doctor begins by going over your symptoms and examining the problem areas. An ultrasound may be performed so that your doctor can see how far below your skin the problem veins are and to help guide them during the procedure.
If you’re receiving treatment on your legs, you may be asked to lie down with your legs slightly elevated. When you’re ready, your doctor uses a fine needle to inject the damaged veins with a sclerosing agent, typically a salt solution. The solution irritates the vein, causing it to collapse and clot itself shut.
Once this occurs, the affected vein can no longer pool blood and fades from view over time. Blood is redirected to other healthy veins, and your body reabsorbs the collapsed vein, ridding you of the appearance and discomfort of varicose or spider veins.
Sclerotherapy is highly effective, boasting a success rate of 75-90%. Depending on the severity of your condition and the number of affected veins, multiple treatments may be necessary.
One of the first questions many people have when it comes to medical procedures is, “Does it hurt?” Well, we’re happy to inform you that no, sclerotherapy does not generally hurt. The slight pinch of the needle is likely all you’ll feel during your treatment.
Some patients do experience some discomfort or cramping during the procedure or in the few minutes following, but these symptoms typically subside quickly. Most patients are able to return to their normal activities the same day.
You may experience some slight side effects from sclerotherapy, including bruising, redness, skin discoloration, headaches, or nausea. These are normal and should resolve themselves in a short time. Your doctor may recommend that you wear compression socks for the first day after your procedure to help solidify the treatment. You should also partake in some exercise, as immobility can increase your chances of developing a blood clot.
You should avoid certain activities in the first few days after sclerotherapy, including running, taking hot baths, swimming, using saunas, traveling on airplanes, lifting weights, exposing the area to direct sunlight, and taking anti-inflammatory medications.
If you’re ready to get rid of those uncomfortable or unwanted spider or varicose veins, you’re in great hands with our dedicated team of healthcare professionals at Vascular Vein Centers. With multiple offices in the Central Florida area, we’re never too far away. Contact one of our convenient locations today to schedule an appointment.