
FEB is American Heart Month

Feb 01, 2023
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No matter where you are on your health journey, a healthier life is possible.


Heart disease remains the #1 cause of death in America, accounting for 1 in 5 deaths every day.

Show your support for heart health awareness by wearing red.

Here are some Heart Health Fact to share with your friends & family:

  • Sleep helps heal and repair your heart and blood vessels
  • most cardiovascular diseases can still be prevented with education and healthy lifestyle changes
  • Untreated diabetes can lead to serious medical problems, including cardiovascular disease.
  • Use the letters in F.A.S.T. to spot a Stroke

F = Face Drooping

A = Arm Weakness

S = Speech Difficulty

T = Time to call 911






The American Heart Association recommends replacing bad (saturated) fats with good (unsaturated) fats as a part of a healthy eating pattern. Hear are some heart healthy foods:

  • leavy greens
  • broccoli
  • apples
  • oatmeal
  • trotillas
  • tuna
  • eggs
  • kidney beans
  • nut & seed butters


Noticias en español

Historias sobre personas, ciencia y salud, de American Heart Association News