
VVC’s 3 Biggest Winner Health Competition Champions

Aug 06, 2014
Our team at VVC is proud to announce the three winners of our very first employee wellness program, The Biggest Winner! 33 contestants participated, and the following three ladies led the pack in their individual achievement categories:

By Dr. Samuel P. Martin

Our team at VVC is proud to announce the three winners of our very first employee wellness program, The Biggest Winner! 33 contestants participated, and the following three ladies led the pack in their individual achievement categories:

L.L.—She grabbed the top spot for the Biggest Loser of Body Fat Percentage with a 13.72%!

J.K.—She led the pack as the Biggest Loser of Body weight after shedding 23 pounds!

G.P.—She outworked everyone by winning the Individual Participation in a Daily Exercise routine after logging over 67 hours of exercise!

33 VVC employee “contestants” participated in this year’s event for a combined weight loss of 206.2 pounds! The competition’s first weigh-in took place on January 19, and our final measurement for the competition winners was held on April 6.

Although our competition, modeled after the popular reality TV show, The Biggest Loser, featured great cash prizes from our event jackpot, everyone who participated was a winner. As a medical practice dedicated to overall health and wellness, The Biggest Winner acted as a great reminder right here in our own office of how important a balanced, healthy life is.

Our competition featured strict, confidential weigh-in and measurement sessions, and even those participants who didn’t hit their goals had a great experience. As a local medical practice, we’re looking at this competition as a long-term lifestyle change that can help promote health and wellness in our team.

We originally found inspiration for our company wellness competition from the Orlando Business Journal’s Central Florida Healthiest Employers competition. Spurred by these great local business examples, we created The Biggest Winner competition in hopes we could join that list of inspiring businesses that act as a role model for other Orlando-area workplaces. In our increasingly busy lives, we want to illustrate that a balanced life that includes healthy exercise and diet can accompany your full-time profession.

Throughout our wellness program, we supported our team with weekly emails about exercise strategies and eating right. We also gave everyone full gym access and arranged fun employee fitness activities and events. These organized opportunities to get out and break a sweat included charity walks and our own VVC softball team. We were thrilled to see great participation in the activities we organized and impressed by how big an impact this had on everyone’s enthusiasm for our friendly fitness competition.  

To reward our employees who decide to integrate personal fitness into their lives permanently, we’re including incentives to those who continue eating healthy, exercising and losing body fat after the initial 90-day competition.We’re holding additional weigh-ins at 6 months and 12 months down the road, so check back to see our next winners!